A second comedy club is to pilot a post-Covid19 indoor comedy show.
Just the Tonic in Nottingham is to stage a live indoor show on Thursday July 30 - the day after the Frog And Bucket in Manchester puts on a comedy gig. Tickets are available for both shows.
The Nottingham show will feature Ed Byrne, Daisy Earl, Scott Bennett and Quincy.
All people attending the event will be required to follow specific government guidelines, and will have to provide contact details for track and trace. If you are not happy to comply with this, please do not buy a ticket for the live event, just watch online where it will also be streamed.
The venue is fully ventilated, performers are being asked to wear visors, and customers are being asked to wear face masks. Proceedures will maximise the safety of bar staff, performers and you, the public.
Capacity is going to be reduced and tickets will be sold in groups of 2/3/4/5. People will be given reserved seating and any refusal or non co-operative behaviour will result in the group being refused permission or asked to leave.