News: Bill Oddie Reveals He Has Been Very Ill

News: Bill Oddie Reveals He Has Been Very Ill

Comedian Bill Oddie has revealed that he has been close to death this summer.

Writing on Twitter the former Goodie (pictured with Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor) explained what has been wrong. 

"Just so you know, I have been very ill most of this summer . Lithium toxicity. Almost fatal! I am still here but very confused about most things! But then aren't many of us. IT fuddles my brain.Confusion. Will I return ? I Really dunno. I do hope so. Please wish me luck. XX"

This was his first post since mid-June when he wrote: "am nearly 79. My fingers get tangled on a keyboard, and are too clumsy for a mobile. I wont go through all the things I can't do. Jjust about everything.. I am NOT kidding. It is driving me crazy , and that drives my wife crazy too.This is VERY http://serious.Help"

Fans were quick to wish him well. Danny Baker tweeted: "All the best, Bill. I hope your confusion gets no worse than forgetting a few solos on Little Feat albums and so hear them again for the first time."

Annabel Giles added: "Gosh Bill, sorry to hear that, sending recuperations x"

When fellow Goodie Tim Brooke-Taylor died in April Oddie posted the following on social media: "Fifty years and he only got cross with me once... well maybe twice... no quite a lot actually! No one could wear silly costumes or do dangerous stunts like Tim. I know it hurt cos he used to cry a lot. Sorry Timbo. A true visual comic and a great friend x."

Picture by David Betteridge




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