Update 7/6/14 - There's a chance to see the Tunnel Club film on June 17 as part of the East End Film Festival, alongside live appearances from Kevin Eldon, Simon Munnery and Richard Peppiatt. Details here.
Following the publication of yesterday's Tunnel Club pictures two things happened. Richard Vranch of the Comedy Store Players contacted me to give me some more information about a particular gig he did at the venue and photographer Bill Alford unearthed some further fantastic pictures, including the one of Vic Reeves on the left – more info about that night in this article here. The pictures follow below but first here's what Richard Vranch told me: "As well as my day job making up jokes at the Comedy Store, I'm doing stand-up in London in French next week, followed by another outing for my science-themed hula-hoop comedy double-act "Dr Hu-la" at the Hammersmith Apollo (one of the Robin Ince/Brian Cox shows which they don't announce listings for.)
I just wanted to fill a small gap in the Tunnel Palladium story. The pictures of Dusty and Dick look like they were taken on a night I was there. They did the first half, Chris Lynham did some pyrotechnics, then The Slattery-Vranch Irrigation System topped the bill. There might even be some pics on the same roll as the D&D photos, in which me and Tony will be unrecognisable. I remember we did very well, having an hour of material to pick from our 1984 Edinburgh run.
Malcolm had seen us do well at the original Jongleurs one night and he offered us a date there and then. This must have been late 84 or 85, when the Store was temporarily dark. I played there with the Millies as well, but those memories are even more hazy. Odd that he booked a 75% female feminist comedy act, but we did OK I think. The 3 female Millies were Caroline Leddy, Donna McPhail and Jo Unwin, all of whom had a great impact on the comedy scene. Interesting that Dr Hula is yet another comedy act where I'm the only bloke...
Nick Revell, who was there the night that Malcolm Hardee famously urinated on the head of a snoozing punter. Revell's version of the historic event is here.
Mullarkey and Myers - Neil Mullarkey went on to create motivational guru L Vaughan Spencer. I don't know what happened to the other bloke.
Felix Dexter – The great character comedian who recently died cut his teeth braving the Tunnel Club audience.
All pictures copyright Bill Alford. If anyone is interested in using them you can contact Bill via [email protected]