It's the final episode of the current series of The Last Leg tonight and the programme goes out in style with Joanna Lumley back on after having to postpone her appearance recently, and Nish Kumar.
Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker will be mixing their usual banter with politics on the live Channel 4 show and asking a final lot of #isitok questions.
It'll be interesting to hear what the guests have got to say apart from the usual chat about how they have got through lockdown.
Nish Kumar recently revealed that he had had death threats from trolls online after he talked about the incident pre-pandemic where he did a lunchtime Christmas gig and mentioned Brexit and colonialism and had a bread roll thrown at him. He told Richard Herring in a recent interview what happened after the story got out:
"If you're a woman, or a person of colour or someone from the LGBT community, if you do anything in the public eye, there's a certain level of death threat that you have to just let slide because otherwise you would do nothing else. Your job would be comedian/death threat administrator.
"But a couple of them got quite specific. And your mental state gets quite addled because then journalists start calling you from unknown numbers ... and they weren't calling my agent, they were calling my personal mobile phone ... who the fuck is passing around my mobile phone?"
Mash Report host Kumar is also set to release a two-part album entitled It's In Your Nature To Destroy Yourselves on March 19.
Joanna Lumley, whose TV travel series in which she went around the country, was recently reported to have a similar style of decor at home to the Prince of Wales and his wife. Well, maybe that's not a big suprise, she is posh too.
The Last Leg with Nish Kumar and Joanna Lumley, Friday, 10pm, C4.