Interview: Lockdown Rarely Asked Questions Special – Nigel Ng

Interview: Lockdown Rarely Asked Questions Special – Nigel Ng

Nigel Ng was one of a select band of comedians nominated for a Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer prize in summer 2019. His debut show was a big hit at the Fringe and a gala show was followed by a run at the Soho Theatre in February 2020. And, well, we all know what happened next.

But for the Malaysia-born comedian there was an unexpected upside to 2020. His Uncle Roger videos, featuring a fictional older relative, who is obsessed with food and has a neat way with a put-down, went viral, boosting Ng's global profile. He now has over 3.3 million followers on YouTube, and over a million on Instagram. He also has a hit podcast, Rice to Meet You, about Asian culture which he hosts with fellow comic Evelyn Mok. Check out Nigel’s YouTube channel here.

Read about Nigel's year in our continuing series of Covid and Comedy One Year On below.


How has the last year been for you?

It's been a bit crazy with my Uncle Roger videos blowing up.

When was your last pre-Covid gig?

99 club in Leicester Square.

How have you coped financially? (did you do any non-comedy work?)

Have definitely been better financially! Doing the odd online show here and there, cutting down on expenses, and relying on savings to get me through. 

Did you get much government/arts council etc financial support?


Do you feel comedy has been let down by government/arts council?

Think the government could've done more for the arts in general.

Is stand-up comedy art?

No. It's a craft.

Were you planning to do Edinburgh Fringe 2020?


Do you think there will be a Fringe in 2021 and if there is are you planning to do it?

Don't think so, and no I won't be returning.

What are your thoughts about online gigs? Are they any substitute for 'the real thing'?

Not a substitute, but it's the next best thing.

Have you had Covid and if you have how are you now?

Didn't get it. Well, as far as I know of.

What about the future. Do you think the UK comedy scene has changed forever or do you think eventually it will go back to how it was?

I think it'll go back to how it was, but it'll take a year or two.

Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (have youreallybeen too busy to tidy them recently?)

It's tidy enough for me, but probably a mess to everyone else. I have my system ok?

Follow Nigel Ng on Twitter here.





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