Now here is something controversial. Why not listen to this instead of the build-up to the Euros final.
Journalist Kate Copstick has never been someone who minces her words so she is the perfect person to present this documentary which explores the thorny and very topical subject of taboo in comedy. The issue of wokeness is dissected as the programme examines who can say what to whom, where and when, and asks why can't we all just lighten up and laugh.
Among those taking part are comedians who have not held back in the past including Desiree Burch, Scott Capurro (who I once saw almost get punched onstage at the Edinburgh Fringe) Tanyalee Davies, Jordan Gray, Roger Mahony, Kate Smurthwaite and Tim Renkow.
Tim Renkow is about to star in a second BBC run for his comedy Jerk, in which Renkow, who has cerebral palsy, plays a version pf himself who constantly ends up in awkward scenarios due to his unedited behaviour.
Taboo is written and presented by Kate Copstick
Studio Engineer and Editor: Gerry O'Riordan
Produced by Gordon Kennedy
Recorded at The Soundhouse Studios
An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4
Taboo, Sunday 11 July, 7.15pm. And afterwards on catch-up here.