Comic Legend Mort Sahl Dies

Comic Legend Mort Sahl Dies

Comic legend Mort Sahl has died. He was 94.

Sahl was one of the first modern stand-up comedians who talked about politics and current affairs in his act. He predated Lenny Bruce in doing satirical material onstage.

Reports say he died at home in Calfornia.

Sahl first became famous for his performances at San Francisco's 1950s hipster hangout The Hungry I where Lenny Bruce also performed.

Sahl appeared regularly on television and in a number of films and co-hosted the Oscars in 1959.

He supported President Kennedy and even wrote jokes for his speeches, but when Kennedy was assassinated Sahl was devastated. His habit of reading aloud parts of the Warren Report on JFK's death at his gigs dented his career. But in the 1970s his stock rose again and he was acclaimed as hugely influential by a new generation of comedians.

Buy Mort Sahl here.

Watch Mort Sahl below (hat tip to Mark Olver for picking out this brilliant clip)



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