Online comedy club The Covid Arms, Jess Lea-Wilson, Jake Lea-Wilson and landlady Kiri Pritchard-MacLean (pictured), have got together with their mates from the music and comedy industry and decided to put on an extra evening of laughter and entertainment at the UK’s best-loved virtual pub. They are also only £3,000 short of raising a phenomenal £150,000 for the Trussell Trust.
So book your tickets now for what promises to be the most fun way to forget what’s going on outside your living room and kick off the festivities in style.
Guests who will be joining landlady Kiri for the evening include musician Grace Petrie with comedy from Lou Sanders, Nish Kumar, Helen Bauer, Priya Hall and Mark Watson.
“What started as a daft experiment is now a monthly institution. The Covid Arms has had an amazing year (nine months) and we’re seeing 2020 out in style. A bumper line up of our favourite comedians and musicians will come together to celebrate the £120 000 we’ve raised for the Trussell Trust and hopefully raise a load more.” – Kiri Pritchard-McLean
“We couldn’t be more grateful to the Covid Arms and all the comedians taking part to support the Trussell Trust – you have raised a phenomenal amount. As the economic impact of the coronavirus continues to take hold, more people are likely to need a food bank’s help than ever before. Our teams are working tirelessly to ensure food banks are able to continue helping more and more people affected by these difficult times and have the necessary stocks to do so. Your support means we can remain agile and ensure food banks continue to provide the lifeline of emergency food and additional support for people in crisis. Thank you.” – Garry Lemon Director of Policy, External Affairs & Research at the Trussell Trust
Like the best ideas, The Covid Arms started as a bit of a joke.
Jake Lea-Wilson set up The Covid Arms as a virtual pub to hang out in with thirty or so friends when the real pubs weren’t allowed to open any more. Jess (Jake’s sister) thought that some live entertainment that people could interact with would be a good shout and asked her friend Kiri Pritchard-McLean if she’d do ten minutes of stand-up. Kiri was joined by Rosie Jones, Stephen Bailey and Rachel Fairburn and Live at The Covid Arms was launched.
Their inaugural night raised more than £13,500 for The Trussell Trust and was watched by 3,000 people.
Since then, with Kiri as Host and some of the country’s best loved comedians as guests, the club has gone from strength to strength. They were even awarded the Guinness World Record for ‘Most visitors to a virtual pub’ for a specially organised pub quiz on 1st May 2020.
Since the pub’s inception it has been host to a myriad of performers from stars of stage and TV to talented newcomers including Nish Kumar, Grace Petrie, Tom Allen, Aisling Bea, Mark Watson, Suzi Ruffell, Sara Pascoe, Rose Matafeo, Ross Noble, Thanyia Moore, Russell Howard, Daliso Chaponda, Angela Barnes, Jessica Fostekew and Rhod Gilbert.
Wednesday, 22nd December
Time: 7.00pm
Link: www.comedyatthecovid.co.uk
Virtual tickets: £2.00 minimum
£10.00 for ‘front row’ tickets (The comedians and host will be able to talk to you)
Free to NHS workers