Sky Reveals Comedians In New Series Of Dating No Filter

Sky Reveals Comedians In New Series Of Dating No Filter

Joining the new series of Dating No Filter are Emily Atack, Asim Chaudhry, Sukh Ojla, London Hughes, Josh Jones, Jayde Adams and The Receipts alongside returning comedians including, Joel Dommett, Josh Widdicombe, Tom Allen and Rosie Jones

Sky Original Dating No Filter sees some of the UK’s funniest comedians provide raw and unfiltered commentary on members of the public embarking on blind dates. The hilarious show will return for a second series on 11 February 2022 on Sky Max and streaming service NOW.

The full list of pairings are Joel Dommett and Emily Atack, Josh Widdecombe and Rosie Jones (pictured), Asim Chaudhry and Sukh Ojla, Tom Allen and Suzi Ruffell, Chunkz and Yung Filly, London Hughes and Verona Rose, Josh Jones and Jayde Adams and The Receipts.

With unsuspecting singletons heading out on blind dates ranging from line dancing and gin tasting to a wrestling masterclass, there will be plenty for the comedians to sit back and share their laugh out loud commentary on as dating is put under the microscope once again.

Read an interview with Josh Widdicombe and Rosie Jones below

Why did you want to be a part of the show again this series?

Josh: I get to hang out with Rosie and judge people! What else is there better to do?

Rosie: Honestly, I support Josh on tour, it’s lovely to do and I love the shows but my favourite part of supporting Josh is in the green room where we just sit and bitch together, we judge people, it’s what we do!

Josh: And now we’re being paid for it!

Why do you think it’s different from other dating shows around?

Rosie: I really like the fact that we can say what we’re thinking because hopefully the viewers at home are saying the same thing.

Josh: Hopefully not as wittily otherwise we’re not earning our money!

Rosie: I think everyone has been at the pub looking at another couple thinking, “Are they on their first date? Is it going well?”. So, it taps into what we all do down at the pub.

Josh: Exactly! And it’s the only dating show with Rosie Jones on!

Rosie: Exactly, I’ve said no to all the rest! They did say I was too sexy so it wouldn’t work!

When you’re watching the dates, are you a romantic and want them to fall in love at first sight or are you quite hoping for a bit of a car crash?!

Josh: It depends on the person, you judge the person early on and you want nice things to happen to nice people, and bad things to happen to bad people, don’t you?

Rosie: Oh yeah! I’ll say it now, there are some people in the world who absolutely don’t deserve love! But I think I’m a romantic at heart, so I have two dream situations. One is that it goes incredibly well and they fall in love and get married, then my second dream situation is that it’s a lesbian date that goes horribly and I get date out of it!

Josh: Shall we be honest about what happened in the first series?

Do tell!

Josh: So, there was a girl that Rosie fancied who we both followed on Instagram.
Rosie: And I started chatting her up! I got a girl out of the first series so I’m hoping two for two! Josh: They need to get all the applications sent directly to Rosie; she should vet the whole thing!

If you could speak to the daters beforehand, what advice would you give them?

Josh: Don’t take yourself too seriously, that’s always the thing that comes across the worst. People who think being cocky or arrogant is positive, no!

Rosie: And also, if you’re trying to second guess what the person wants, that never works. So if you’re a lovely nerd, don’t pretend you’re a player. Just go in there and be yourself. If they don’t like you, then f*** them! F***them, because there’s somebody out there for you.

Josh: I totally agree. Also, being a Youtuber is not a job, no matter how many times you say it!

Are you showing your age here?!

Rosie: My god, young people, I just don’t get them anymore!
Josh: We watched some dates on this series that made me feel 400 years old, I’m not even joking!

Rosie: I think I’d understand the dates better if they were speaking Italian. They use ‘lit’ and ‘Bants’, they speak in emojis!

Any awkward moments?

Rosie: Oh, so many! There was one where a lady got three forms of transport to get to the date. I’m just like, ‘It’s not worth it!’. No one is worth three modes of transport.

Josh: And she knew the moment she walked round the corner that she’d made a mistake.

Rosie: And she was already thinking about her return trip! I wish we were able to ring her up and be like, ‘Have a weekend off!’.

Can you spot if they have got sexual chemistry?

Josh: I don’t know if we can because, I mean, we watched a man talk to another man about his pubes and they didn’t have sexual chemistry, so I don’t know what’s going on here!

Rosie: I mean, I don’t do that with my friends though.
Josh: No, if you brought up your pubes with me, I’d simply walk out the room at top speed.

Rosie: Well, actually me talking about my pubes would be fascinating because have you ever seen a girl with cerebral palsy try to shave her own vagina?!

How important do you think sexual chemistry is on a date?

Rosie: Oh you need to fancy them, definitely. What annoys Josh is at the end of dates when they go, ‘I’d love to meet again as friends!’.

Josh: As friends?! F*** off! You don’t date your friends. If you’ve got on well enough to have a new friend you might as well crack on.

Rosie: So I’ll say it now, I reckon you know within the first five seconds if you’ve got that sexual attraction. But on a few of the dates this series you can see that one of them doesn’t fancy the other one and they are killing time for the next two hours. I get it in my own dating life. There’s got to be that immediate spark, that feeling of, ‘You’re fit, let’s see if you are a good chat’. But you’ve got to find them fit in the first place!

What’s the worst chat up line you’ve used or had used on you?

Rosie: I had one and it was so awful but literally three hours later it worked! I think it worked retrospectively.

What happened?

Rosie: So, I did an online show where I made a plaster cast of my vagina. The clitoris on the plaster cast was pierced. This was all online, so this girl came up to me a few months ago and was like, ‘I’ve seen your vagina on TV, was it your actual vagina, can I check?’ I was like, ‘You’ll never know!’ Actually, three hours later she did find out!

Josh: That’s brilliant!

As you’re comics, do you feel under pressure to be funny on a date?

Rosie: It’s tricky for me because I don’t need to try!

Josh: Yeah, I think you do when you’re a comic but surely everyone’s trying to be funny on a date, aren’t they? You don’t want to be not funny on a date, that would be a disaster. I’d never do material though. Rosie does about 20 minutes at the top!

Rosie: I mean, they find it hard when I pull out a mic!

What’s the most awkward situation you’ve found yourself in on a date?

Josh: I don’t actually have any dating disasters, but I do have a friend who went with his relatively new girlfriend to Pizza Hut for a buffet on Valentine’s Day only for his ex and their new boyfriend to be sat on the next table.

Rosie: I don’t think I’ve had any awkward moments. I’m actually very good at dating!

Have you used any of your dating stories in your comedy material?

Rosie: This might make me sound like a f*** boy but I never use dating material because I want to look good for the future dates in the audience! It’s an on-going process! 

Interview supplied by Sky


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