Following this year’s sell-out UK tour and an appearance at the Royal Variety Performance, Al Murray - The Pub Landlord will return to London’s iconic Royal Albert Hall for a one-off special show on Friday 12 May 2023.
As the dust settles and we emerge blinking into the dawn of a new year, the men and women of this great country will need answers. Answers that they know they need, answers to questions they never knew existed.
And when that moment comes, who better to show the way, to provide those answers, than the people’s man of the people, the Pub Landlord? Steeped in the deep and ancient barroom wisdom of countless lock ins, the Pub Landlord comes to the Royal Albert Hall for one night only, offering people thirsty for common sense a full pint of the good stuff.
Al Murray most recently performed at the Royal Albert Hall for this year’s Royal Variety Performance, but also performed a sell-out solo gig at the venue in 2016, which The Times said was, “Stunning. Hilarious …another hugely diverting display of muscular irony from one of the most consistently delightful stand-ups of the past two decades”, with the Evening Standard adding it was, “Murray at his best”.
Tickets are on sale here.