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Will Happy Valley Have A Happy Ending?

Will Happy Valley Have A Happy Ending?

So the most talked about crime series since Line of Duty, or maybe the last series of Happy Valley, comes to an end. Could this be the most inappropriately titled TV series ever made?* It is certainly not a laugh a minute even though the deftly written script by Sally Wainwright does allow for plenty of wry asides.

There are so many loose threads to tie up in the final hour. Apparently even the cast don't know how things will turn out as alternative pay-offs have been filmed. Will James Norton's brutal convict Tommy Lee Royce be captured after his daring escape from court on a racing bike? Does he look better with short or long hair? Will the chemist who reminds me of Rishi Sunak get banged up for murdering Joanne (Mollie Winnard) the wife of the coercive controlling schoolteacher Rob?

Even before the programme was broadcast Twitter was having a field day. Some people have been suggesting that it will be revealed that Neil is Tommy's Dad. Others were worried that Sarah Lancashire's heroic Catherine Cawood might be bumped off. @traceyjohn79 tweeted: Shit, shit shitty shit!! Scared Please catherine live!"

@em1lyox posted a picture of a nervous Kermit the Frog along with the comment: "I am ANXIOUS!! I hope Catherine gets a happy retirement but I have a feeling she won’t! Only an hour to go until we find out #HappyValley"

@mr davemacleod threw a Titchmarsh-shaped cat among the pigeons with his choices of all time great TV shows: "#happyvalley has to be the greatest British TV show ever made. the only things that come close are Fleabag, The Office and The Alan Titchmarsh Show (series 4)"

Maybe @enbynd spoke for the nation – or at least the TV crime viewing section of the nation – when they tweeted: "i’ve been carrying around the stress of the #HappyValley finale all week and i’m not sure my heart can take the tension anymore"

@soddynu was hoping this is not the last we see of Catherine: "Nearly #HappyValley time, hoping for an open ended finale...can't be the last one...please god no."

@milkylumps raised a dilemma for people who could not see it with their loved ones tonight and/or those who were planning to watch it on catch up: "I'm away from xxx we had a discussion about whether we should wait till tomorrow night and watch the last #HappyValley together and risk spoilers or watch it separately. We went with separate ! #HappyValley."

If you don't want Happy Valley spoilers we suggest you stay well away from social media until you've seen it. And maybe don't look at any newspapers tomorrow either. Though one thing we can reveal is that...Sarah Lancashire is absolutely brilliant. But then if you've been watching up to now you already knew that.

Happy Valley, Sunday, February 5, 9pm, BBC One. And available on catch-up straight after.Picture: BBC

*though the sitcom Scrotal Recall might have something to say about that. 


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