Lost Early Vic And Bob Footage Unearthed

Lost Early Vic And bob Footage Unearthed

Early footage of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer from before they were TV stars has been unearthed and put on YouTube.

The footage is believed to date from the late 1980s and features the duo performing at the Goldsmith's Tavern in New Cross and the Albany Empire in Deptford. It is thought that the footage was sent out to fans via the duo's fan club. 

The thirty minutes of archive film includes a number of sketches that resurfaced when the double act moved to Channel 4. There is Bob Mortimer as 'Rick Astley', The Stotts (possibly the first ever appearance of Donald Stott), Novelty Island, plus a few songs including a very slow rendition of Oh Mr Songwriter.

Watch the early Vic and Bob below

Buy the original Vic Reeves Big Night Out (pictured) here.


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