Richard Herring and Tim Key have discussed their respective experiences of cancer in the latest edition of Richard Herring's Leicester Sqaure Theatre Podcast.
Herring had a testicle removed after testicular cancer was diagnosed in 2021. Key had a cancerous growth removed from his knee at the end of 2019.
Both attended the same clinic, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre in Northwood and both have now been given the all clear by their specialists. Herring
wrote a book about his experience, Can I Have My Ball Back?, which was published in 2021.
"I'm very happy to be alive," said Key.
"It's not a battle of who's the toughest and who's survived the hardest one, but you're sounding a bit tougher than I've been. I lost a bollock," said Herring.
"I lost my penis," joked Key, who actually had a melanoma removed from his knee after a fan at a gig suggested he have it checked out.
"I kind of feel like mine was there to be beaten really," he added.
They both agreed that Mount Vernon was a "fantastic place" to be treated if you had to be treated for cancer. Key said: "What I liked about it is you go there. And I'd go there I think about every month and it's just quite good in life. You never know where you should be and maybe you should be doing this so that when you go there to ort of get checked up and get your drugs and things you know you're exactly in the right place here."
Herring chose not to have a prosthetic testicle fitted: "I'd never really considered it before and I'm kind of I'm kind of fine without it."
Key said that while he had a clean bill of physical health he does not know what the psychological after effects might be. "It's difficult to know, isn't it? I don't know how much these things affect you, it's a bit like lockdown. You just press on with it. And then maybe with a bit of distance you look back and think 'that was weird that bit'. Like I say I wasn't really ill. So it didn't affect me like that. But it's just when someone tells you it is pretty odd. It's like a bit of a definite bump in your life, isn't it, where you just suddenly hear that word and there's like an absolute square saying it. It's hard not to believe it's true."
Key was treated in December 2019 then went into lockdown in March, 2020. "I combined the two I thought that's a nice way."
Listen to the full Richard Herring interview with Tim Key here.