Stewart Lee Visits Graves Of Comedians In New Alternative Online Series

Stewart Lee Visits Graves Of Comedians In New Alternative Online Show

Stewart Lee's guide to the graves of comedians is one of the contributions to a new alternative online series launching this week made by Holly and David, aka The Lovely Eggs.

Teaming up with artist Casey Raymond, Eggs TV embarks on a televisual odyssey, shining a light on alternative and underground art, music and British subculture, "sucking you spiralling down the plughole into The Lovely Eggsdistinctly odd and off the wall universe."

Lee says of the series: "I’m in week 2, talking about 19th c comedians in a graveyard, at the height of my lockdown unwellness. Quentin Smires is in it, who is ace. And so is King Rocker director Michael Cumming, doing his funny art!"

He visits the grave of music hall star Herbert Campbell, who is buried in Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington, close to where Lee lives. He also talks about legendary performers Marie Lloyd and Champagne Charlie.

Elsewhere in the series we see Gruff Rhys stuck up a mountain, John Grants fridge magnet collection, David Shrigleys Stuff, odd smells emanating from Katie PuckrikIan MacKaye waxing lyrical about a life in punk rock, Tim Presley, Cate Le Bon, Gwennifer Raymond, John Cooper Clarke, The Space Lady, Andy Votel, strange films from the minds of Quentin Smirhes, Bedwyr Williams and Michael Cummings, animation, music, poetry, bagpipes for the eyes and much much more…

Eggs TV is an art/experimental TV channel featuring live performances, spoken word, art and animation.

"Its the type of show that used to exist in the deepest darkest corners of alternative TV programming, and EGGS TV is here to bring it back," said Holly.

"We've known Casey since we worked together on a music video over 10 years ago and became pals. The idea of making a TV series together seemed like an absolutely brilliant and ridiculous thing to do, so we just cracked on with it." 

The first episode will be released on The Lovely Eggs’ Youtube Channel on April 6th at 11am GMT below. The remaining five episodes will be released weekly via YouTube. Stewart Lee's dead music hall stars feature is in episode two which can be accessed here.





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