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Southampton New Comedian of the Year Invites Entries

Southampton New Comedian of the Year Invites Entries

Heats take place throughout September and October, culminating in the semi-finals in November and Grand Final on Saturday 9th December at The Attic, Southampton.  

Additional categories of young performer (21 and under) and Rookie of the year (those who have only started gigging in the last 18 months).

Entry Requirements
The competition is open to any non-professional act who's been performing for 5 years or less and entries from character acts, musical acts and sketch groups are welcome. The only restriction is that all contestants must live in or around Southampton up to a distance of 35 miles maximum and when performing stick to 5 minutes of material or risk disqualification.



Thursday 14th September 7pm 

Saturday 23rd September 3.30pm

Monday 2nd October 7pm

Saturday 7th October 3.30pm 

Monday 9th October 7pm 

Thursday 12th October 7pm

Semi finals

Saturday 18th November 3.30pm & 7pm 

Grand Final

Saturday 9th December 7pm

For more information and to enter go to The Attic website at https://theatticsouthampton.co.uk/ or contact chris@recordingstudiosouthampton.co.uk 


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