The Comedians' Choice Awards 2023 - Winners Announced

The Comedians' Choice Awards 2023 - Winners Announced

The winners have been announced for The Comedians' Choice Awards 2023, the Edinburgh Fringe awards voted on by comedy performers.

The results are:

Best Show

Julia Masli: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 

Performing at Monkey Barrel 4.

After being surprised on stage with the award, Masli said: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha".

Best Show Shortlist
Bill O'Neill: The Amazing Banana Brothers
Christopher Macarthur-Boyd: Scary Times
Furiozo: Man Looking for Trouble
Josh Glanc: Collections 2023
Katy Berry: Diamond Goddess Crystal Pussy
Louise Atkinson: Mates
Matt Price: As Seen on CCTV
Pierre Novellie: Why Are You Laughing?
Sophie Sucks Face
Stuart Goldsmith: Spoilers
Tim Murray: Witches

Best Performer
Sid Singh

Performing in Sid Singh: Table for One at Cabaret Voltaire.

Singh, who is also a refugee lawyer and activist, is donating half the money he takes from his Edinburgh run to the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies.

Singh said on winning: "I'm still struggling to find the words to express how grateful I am, but this is so cool! The only reason I've been able to perform my stand-up and raise this money for the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies is because of all the comedians who booked me, fed me, and let me sleep on their couches from Los Angeles to Bucharest to Hyderabad and everywhere in between! Comedians are truly the best people in my life. But, um, based on how Julia responded, please instead change my answer to 'Hee hee hee hee'."

Best Person

Lydia Mason

This award is presented posthumously. Mason, a producer with Laughing Horse Free Festival, died unexpectedly during the Fringe, following a short illness.

Mason has worked closely with Free Festival since 2014 – "taking on many roles to help shape its direction, keeping the technical side of things running, and most importantly was the first person to be able to help performers in the organisation; comforting those needing help, and becoming instant friends with everyone she met".

Free Festival organiser Alex Petty says: "We're very happy to see Lydia's work over so many years with Free Festival recognised in this way, especially as an award voted for by Fringe performers shows the impact she had on them over the years".

A fundraising gig for the UK Sepsis Trust, with all ticket sales and donations going to the charity in memory of Lydia, will take place tonight (Friday August 25th) at 5.45pm at the Free Sisters. The trophy will be placed on stage.

Museum Of Comedy run

Masli, Singh and the Best Show shortlist will be invited to perform as part of a season at London's Museum Of Comedy this autumn.

David Hardcastle from the venue says: "Nobody sees more shows at the Fringe than the acts themselves and the range and quality of previous winners is amazing. We hosted some fantastic acts from the competition last year and we're very excited to provide a showcase for the competition again this autumn."

More details about The Comedians' Choice Awards

The Comedians' Choice Awards were founded in 2014 to help highlight the amazing work of those at the Fringe who may well otherwise go unrecognised, as judged by those who understand their efforts the best: their peers.

Every comedy show at the Edinburgh Fringe is eligible to both cast a vote, and to be voted for.

There is no panel of judges, no industry specialists – only the performers themselves decide whom amongst them is worthy of special recognition at the festival. Voting is conducted during August via an online form administered by British Comedy Guide.

The awards are presented in three main categories:

Best Show - Simply, the best comedy show at the Fringe.

Best Performer - The best individual comedy performer seen at the festival.

Best Person - A person who the voter feels should get recognition for their contribution to this year's Fringe. This does not need to be a performer; it can be anyone associated with the comedy industry at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, from reviewers to producers and venue staff.

The trophies are designed and constructed by inventor John Ward.

Previous winners and further history can be seen here:


Pictured: Julia Masli by Andrew Max Levy



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