Frank Foucault Releases Live Show On YouTube

Frank Foucault Releases Live Show On YouTube
Frank Foucault Releases Live Show On YouTube
Frank Foucault, the comedy alter ego of Luke Smith, is releasing his latest show live on YouTube on August 1.
Here is what it is acording to its creator
"The show is called ‘Live’. Is it? Yes. It is called ‘Live’. We know. But is it live? Yes it is called ‘Live’ - but is it actually live? Well… it’s called ‘Live’. Okay is it live though? No.
It’s a comedy special/concert film that uses a mix of backing tracks and overdubs with musical arrangements that were composed before, after and during the event. I’ll put my cards on the table. It took me ages to do and it was so hard to make. There were points when I thought of just wasn’t going to be possible.
When is the show on? All the time. Whenever you want. Where is the show? On YouTube"


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