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Sam Nicoresti Releases Free Special Wokeflake

Sam Nicoresti Releases Free Special Wokeflake

Award-winning comedian Sam Nicoresti has released their debut comedy special about the culture war on trans people to YouTube for free.

Working with producer Georgia House, show director Siân Docksey, and film director Benjamin Sutton of boutique production house Daddy’s SuperYacht, Wokeflake is an unflinching vivisection of the cultural climate around trans identity that pulls no punches and packs in the punchlines.

Incorporating a live stand-up taping with to-camera satirical character comedy, hand-drawn animated dream sequences, risque 3D body horror, and verite clips of leading culture war figures cut up into uncomfortable new contexts; Wokeflake deconstructs the familiar framing of ‘the trans question’ to peel back the layers and get under the skin.

At a time when the ‘comedy special’ feels increasingly weaponised against trans people, Wokeflake pushes the boundaries of the emergent artform and aims to beat the bigots at their own game.

A portrait of transition in close-up, pores and all.

Sam Nicoresti is an UK-based (“Uhk-based”) comedian whose obsessive neuroticism and lyrical phrasing blends with a surrealist instinct and childish playfulness to create thick, serpentine routines.

They’ve twice had fringe shows transfer to the Soho Theatre, regularly play at venues and festivals across the UK, are part of collectives The Glang Show and Weirdos Comedy, and were a part of the team behind Panel Prize-winning Iraq: Out & Loud.


Made by: Sam Nicoresti

Show Director: Siân Docksey

Film Director: Benjamin Sutton

Producer: Georgia House

Storyboards & Background Art: Izzie P

3D Artist: Aniruddh Ojha

Stage Design: Michael Julings

Music: Tom Penn

Sound Design: Nicholas Alexander

Camera Operator: Michael Mroczek

Technical Stage Manager: Jake Wood

Sound Recordist: Chazz Redhead

Live Makeup & Hair: Jay Cann

Ballerinas: Lachlan Werner, Laurie Luxe, Paulina Lenoir

Voices: Helen Duff, Sooz Kempner

Post-Production Facilities courtesy of Turtle Canyon Media

Additional Material: Becky Walker

Watch wokeflake below



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