New Funding Offered For Edinburgh Fringe Debut

New Funding Offered For Edinburgh Fringe Debuts

Scottish comedy producer Brass Tacks Comedy is offering a funded Edinburgh Festival Fringe debut for one Scottish or Scotland-based comedian for 2025 - an opportunity supported by Red Bull UK. 

A Scottish comedian, who may have originally felt priced out by ever-expanding Fringe finances, can have upfront costs for their Festival debut paid for. Applications for the Brass Tacks Debut Fund are open NOW and will close 31st January 2025. Apply here

Brass Tacks Comedy, supported by Red Bull UK, will ‘give wiiiings’ to a Scottish or Scotland-based comedian who is ready to perform their one hour debut at the biggest arts festival in the world this August. Brass Tacks Comedy, an Edinburgh based comedy production company run by Katie Palmer, created the initiative to support one local comedian who has been priced out by the extensive costs associated with the Fringe - from registration costs, marketing spend, venue costs, technicians and more. 

Katie Palmer, who runs Brass Tacks Comedy said, “The Scottish comedy scene is renowned as one of the best in the world. Scots pride ourselves on our sense of humour, and yet at the biggest arts festival in the world, hosted on our own doorstep, some of our best new talent find themselves priced out of performing at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. 

“Performing at the Fringe is a dream for so many comedians, but can be out of reach for many due to the rising costs associated with bringing a show there. This opportunity was created to remove some of those barriers and spotlight the vibrant, diverse talent within Scotland's comedy scene and give one rising comedian the chance to experience the Fringe and focus on their debut show, without some of the financial worries that plague so many of the artists each year. “

Comedian Rosco McClelland said, “Sometimes it feels like Scottish acts get forgotten about during the Edinburgh Fringe, and that’s the established acts! I remember how daunting it felt starting out and doing my first run, the numbers being quoted at me, the fact that I was genuinely told if I sold every ticket I would only lose £400. A career in the arts is hard and even the smallest amount of help feels like finding an oasis in the desert. This opportunity could be the catalyst that helps someone on their way to becoming one of the greats and I think that’s amazing.”

Supported by Red Bull UK, the Brass Tacks Debut Fund will allow one Scottish comedian to bring their debut to audiences from around the world supported by a team of comedy professionals from producers, technicians, PRs, programmers and more. With Red Bull always aiming to support those who are pushing boundaries within their fields, whether sport, fitness, culture, or in this case, comedy, the fund has the potential to kickstart one talented comic’s career. 

The fund will include: 

  • One comedian’s upfront costs associated with the Festival Fringe paid for including registration costs, venue costs, paid PR support, street team, poster and flyer printing, technician costs and bespoke marketing costs

  • Brass Tacks Comedy as the comedian’s Fringe producer to guide and support them with Fringe planning including registration, administrative management including contracts, artwork, tech as well marketing planning and delivery, and day-to-day support throughout August 

  • Mentor support from Brass Tacks Comedy and other industry contacts

  • Note: does not include accommodation costs

  • View full eligibility criteria below 

Katie developed the Brass Tacks Debut Fund after speaking to comedians in the Scottish comedy scene who were not considering the Edinburgh Fringe as a viable option for them to take part in, due to exorbitant costs. 

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of Scottish comedy industry and established comedians.

Katie, who has worked at the Edinburgh Fringe in various roles for over 10 years, will act as producer for the successful comedian’s Fringe debut, as well as offering mentor support post-Fringe. Katie started Brass Tacks Comedy in January 2024, producing hugely successful shows at last year’s Fringe including Amy Annette's sell out run with extra shows added, and Grace Mulvey who was named one of the top 12 shows of the Fringe by Rolling Stone.

Brass Tacks Debut Fund Eligibility Criteria

  • You are Scottish or have lived in Scotland for the last two years

  • You are performing regularly on the Scottish comedy circuit 

  • You will be in a position to have a 55-60 minute debut show ready for August 2025 

  • You have not taken a 55-60 minute show to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe previously 

  • You are able to be in Edinburgh every day of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (please note accommodation will not be provided as part of the funding) 

  • You are serious about building a career in comedy 

  • You are willing to promote your Fringe show and will engage with the organisers to make the most of this opportunity, including media interviews, appearances, rehearsals and more

  • You feel unable to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival without financial support

Follow @brasstackscomedy for updates on the Brass Tacks Debut Fund.

Apply here



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