Crowdfunder for Tony Slattery Funeral Quickly Reaches Target

Tony Slattery Dies Aged 65

A Crowdfunder campaign to pay for Tony Slattery's funeral has quickly reached its target.

The fund was started to help Tony's partner Mark Hutchinson with the arrangements. Slattery's death was so unexpected there were no plans for a funeral. The aim was to raise £8000 and at the moment the total stands at £12,786.

The Crowdfunder page says: "Because Tony was only just getting back to work, and because his passing was so unexpected, there wasn't a Plan B in place.  

If you could give just a little towards a funeral for Tony, it would be a huge weight of Mark's shoulders at this miserable time.  

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this."

No announcement has been made of the funeral plans yet and whether it will be open to the public or private, but you can still donate here



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