Over £10,000 Raised to Help Comedian John Mann

Over £10,00 Raised to Help Comedian John Mann

Over £10,000 has been raised by a crowdfunding campaign to help out comedian John Mann while he has been unable to work.

Fellow comedian Jim Howarth, who has recently been in hospital himself, set up a gofundme page to help Mann out. He wrote on the page:

"Hi there everyone, Jim Howarth here and I am coming to you for help raising some funds for one of our own in the comedy industry.
John Mann has been making people laugh for over 30 years and during that time he has been up there with the best of them.
He has written for some of the biggest names in the business, and plenty of comics less famous. He has mentored and supported and generally been one of the nicest people in our industry.
Those close to him will know he has been unwell for a while, but he has been soldiering on but even the toughest soldiers have their limits. John has barely worked for the last 2 months and financially that has put him in a very tough situation.
He has a serious long term respiratory issue and on top of that he has pneumonia, with an infection on his lung which is proving very difficult to shift.
Despite being unwell, John helped to deliver one of my own shows while I was poorly in hospital, and in the past he has helped to raise funds for me at my own time of need. His first thought is always to look after others, and he is always on hand to advise and support. It is now it is time to return the favour by offering him our support.
Please give whatever you can to help John get through this difficult situation, he gives so much to others, me in particular and whatever we can raise I know will be a huge help to John.
These are the pit falls of being self employed, we have to push through difficult times as we lose income. I am hoping we can take away some of the pressure he finds himself under so he can focus on his recovery.
Thank you in advance for your support, and please spread this across our industry to make sure as many people see this as possible.
Comedy Hotspot"
The fund total is currently £10,599. New donations have now been disabled, but you can visit the page here


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