Edinburgh Show Where If You Like The Joke You Can Buy It

Edinburgh Show Where If You Like The Joke You Can Buy It

It’s the only stand-up show in the world where if you like a joke enough, you can buy it.

Every show introduces a top-secret line-up of comedians – all offering their jokes to the highest bidder.

All monies raised from joke sales are donated to Comedy Support Act, the charity set up to provide emergency funds to support Comedians that find themselves in times of financial hardship.

Website: https://linktr.ee/needtoknowcomedy
Youtube Playlist for Fringe Episodes Daily (pilot episode available now): www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNRyM4OaFV-jOAi2ymavYeBn75D9XMDhQ

Ebay Auction Listings updated daily at the Fringe (pilot episode jokes for sale now): https:// www.ebay.co.uk/usr/ntkcomedy

Listing Information

Title: Joke Sellers
Venue: Laughing Horse @ Three Sisters (Maggie’s Chamber) / Part of the Free Festival Ticket Link: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/needtoknowcomedy/1620438
Fringe Venue Number: 272
Dates: 31 Jul – 24 Aug (no 18)
Press from: 31 Jul
Time: 14:00
Age: 16+
Duration: 60 minutes
Entry: Pay What You Can (PWYC) - £5 / £7.50 / £10 / £12.50


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