Following the success of Matt Berry doing the Boat Race, the second instalment in this six-part series finds the undisputed king of the striking vocal tone tackling the subject of Father’s Day. There is only really one reason to listen to this and that’s to hear the way Berry strings out the phrase “Youkay Daddy” over and over again. It will make you laugh so much the BBC should issue a disclaimer in case of any damage to internal organs.
Actually that’s not the only reason to watch this quickie. There isn’t very much about Father’s Day though. Instead Berry reverts to the style of earlier films where he has sent up Attenboroughesque nature docs and revoiced clips about animals in the wild. Here we get him doing some brilliant narration while monkeys sit around and listen to jazz riffs ("they are giving me arseache, turn them off") or try to touch each other’s genitals.
Whoever found the clips deserves almost as much credit as Berry, but maybe not quite. While the primate antics are hilarious it’s the pisstake commentary that really seals the deal, as Berry adds plenty of swearing and gratuitous filth. For anyone still alive who remembers Animal Magic he is Johnny Morris with added fucks. I sense colleague Bob Mortimer's hand in the writing here.
There’s also some caveman-related antics before we catch up with modern day man via a buxom woman chopping wood. Clearly masculinity has not evolved much from the moment we first donned a loin cloth. Not in Berry's world anyway.
Available here. And while you are at it catch Matt Berry Does...The Boat Race here.