You can’t just do a sketch show with just sketches these days. You have to do it backwards. Or each member has to do their own separate show at the same time. Or the audience has to do the sketches for you. It feels as if the familiar format has to be subverted in some way to keep it fresh. The Pin – witty wise guys Ben Ashenden and Alex Owen – have been making a splash by getting jiggy with the genre for the last few years and are now back with a new show, Ten Seconds With The Pin. While The Two Ronnies it ain’t, the humour is always accessible, drawing on strands as diverse as Monty Python and Chris Morris. In the past the duo has played around with timelines, interacted with computer technology. They are always different and get better every year, file under “eagerly anticipated”.
At The Invisible Dot tonight with Beard, tickets here, and at The Pleasance from Aug 5 - 31, tickets here.