You want Edinburgh previews? What's that? You don't want to pay for them? Then can I humbly suggest that you a) stop being such a tightarse and b) head to Balham's Bedford pub this weekend for the final two days of the Balham Free Fringe Festival. This year's laugh-in has pulled together a formidable line-up of comedians heading to Edinburgh and the occasional refusenik who isn't going but still has material to work up. Among those appearing today alongside politically engaged Chris Coltrane are multi-media arty oddball Caroline Mabey, John-Luke Roberts and Alistair Barrie. There's also a chance to see Danielle Ward doing her dim hip-hop character Dani Frankenstein, which I caught in Latitude last week – it was supposed to be intentionally bad but it was so convincing people didn't realise it was a joke and were walking out shaking their heads in disbelief. The shows take place in three different rooms from 2.30pm so you'd better check this website link and get planning your schedule pronto. There is no charge, though as with the PBH Free Fringe next month if you want to drop some money in a bucket on your way out to show your appreciation I doubt if you will be shunned by the performers.