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TV Review: Boy Meets Girl, BBC2

boy meets girl

While Danny Baker's Cradle To Grave hit the ground running with its first episode, the new series that followed it, Boy Meets Girl, was, despite an eye-catching opening line, a little more tentative. Not surprising as it is the first sitcom about the romance between a young man and woman who is transgender. 

Apart from this premise everything else here was pretty sitcom-conventional. Eccentric northern families and lots of bickering and wisecracking as Leo (Harry Hepple) loses his job and attempts to drown his sorrows on a night out with brother James (Jonny Dixon).

The twist comes in the bar when Leo gets into a conversation with Judy (Rebecca Root), who makes no bones about being born with a penis. But a little thing like that doesn’t really matter to Leo, who is clearly smitten despite the other issue of a two-decade age gap.

And so the episode works up to a Hugh Grant-style kiss in the rain, which nearly doesn’t happen but does produce the single belly laugh of the episode for me – but then I’m a sucker for somebody being accidentally hit in the face. 

One can see this winding up the anti-political correctness brigade. It may also wind up critics who may see it as painfully old-fashioned despite its unique selling point. But Boy Meets Girl does have its moments. A bit of a half-cocked start perhaps, but well worth a second look.

Boy Meets Girl, Thursdays, 9.30pm, BBC2.

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