Dominic Frisby was due to preview his Edinburgh show on June 27 but the gig was cancelled, presumably because the promoter thought everyone would be watching England playing Iceland. In retrospect I think everyone would have rather have been watching Dominic Frisby, despite him being one of the few comedians who advocated leaving Europe. And Frisby isn't a moron, he knows about finance and has written for Moneyweek. So while it is tempting to dismiss him there is a tiny part of me that maybe hopes that Frisby is right. And he is a funny guy. He has been on the comedy circuit for years although this is the first time he has done Edinburgh since 2003. In fact he is doing Edinburgh twice this year - once with a show Let's Talk About Tax, in which he tries to make the Inland Revenue sound sexy and once reviving his first-ever character the Upper Class Rapper. The second show is free - so if the economy has tanked by August you can show him your support by just going to that one and not dropping anything in the bucket at the end...
Dominic Frisby is at the Gilded Balloon from August 3 - 28, tickets here.