News: Heart Donor Gag Wins Dave Joke Of The Fringe 2016

Midlands comedian Masai Graham has won this year's Dave Joke of the Fringe Award.

His joke was: “My dad has suggested that I register for a donor card.  He’s a man after my own heart.”

The West Bromwich punster was also crowned UK Pun Champion 2016 at the Leicester Comedy Festival earlier this year.

The top 15 jokes as selected by a panel of critics were as follows:


1. “My dad has suggested that I register for a donor card.  He’s a man after my own heart.” - Masai Graham

2. “Why is it old people say “there’s no place like home”, yet when you put them in one…” - Stuart Mitchell

3. “I’ve been happily married for four years – out of a total of 10.” - Mark Watson

4. “Apparently 1 in 3 Britons are conceived in an IKEA bed which is mad because those places are really well lit.” - Mark Smith – 21%

5. “I went to a pub quiz in Liverpool, had a few drinks so wasn’t much use.  Just for a laugh I wrote The Beatles or Steven Gerrard for every answer… came second.” - Will Duggan

6. “Brexit is a terrible name, sounds like cereal you eat when you are constipated.” - Tiff Stevenson

7. “I often confuse Americans and Canadians.  By using long words.” - Gary Delaney

8. “Why is Henry’s wife covered in tooth marks?  Because he’s Tudor.” - Adele Cliff

9. “Don’t you hate it when people assume you’re rich because you sound posh and went to private school and have loads of money?” - Annie McGrath

10. “Is it possible to mistake schizophrenia for telepathy, I hear you ask.” - Jordan Brookes

11. “Hilary Clinton has shown that any woman can be President, as long as your husband did it first.” - Michelle Wolf 

12. “I spotted a marmite van on the motorway. It was heading yeastbound.” - Roger Swift 

13. “Back in the day, Instagram just meant a really efficient drug dealer.” - Arthur Smith 

14. “I’ll tell you what’s unnatural in the eyes of God. Contact lenses.” - Zoe Lyons 

15. “Elton John hates ordering Chinese food. Soya seems to be the hardest word.” - Phil Nichol



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