John Finnemore, writer and star of Cabin Pressure, returns for a seventh series of his award-winning Souvenir Programme, joined as ever by Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Simon Kane, Lawry Lewin and Carrie Quinlan. Expect sketches! Expect songs! They're what made up the previous six series, so it seems a pretty safe bet that that's what will be in this series as well.
Friday 3 November 7pm & 8.30pm
Friday 17 November 7pm & 8.30pm
Friday 1 December 7pm & 8.30pm
Venue: BBC Radio Theatre
Tickets will be allocated by random draw. You can register at any time until 10pm on Wednesday 18 October. You can apply for a maximum of two tickets per recording and if you are successful in the random draw you will receive tickets for a maximum of one recording in the series.
To enter the random draw visit bbc.co.uk/showsandtours.