Piccadilly Comedy Club, based in The Comedy Pub in London’s West End, is to be run by new company Giant Comedy as of Wednesday 15th November. Piccadilly Comedy’s current owner Mike Manera, who had been in sole charge of running the club for 6 years, has joined forces with comedians and entrepreneurs Andy Stedman and Nik Coppin as they look to build on the previous success of the club, including potential new midweek nights at the venue.
Mike said of the new company, “Having established itself as a key London comedy club, joining forces with Nik and Andy is a great way to move forward and grow Piccadilly Comedy even more.”
Alongside Piccadilly Comedy Club, Andy Stedman’s new Belly Laugh Comedy Club (based at Guys’s Campus in London Bridge) will become part of the Giant Comedy portfolio of venues as the trio look to offer even more quality comedy in London, with further projects currently being sought out.
Andy, who also owns sports-based event business Dodgeball UK, said “Anyone who has played at or been to Piccadilly Comedy knows what a great club it is and there’s so much potential both there and at the Guy’s Campus venue. As comedians ourselves we want to make sure the whole experience is as positive as possible for acts which in turn will make for better entertainment for the audiences. The industry has been a tough place recently with issues like Jongleurs going under, so hopefully this is a bit of good news for acts and comedy lovers alike.”
The third member of the team is international comedian and producer Nik Coppin, who has been running shows at venues and festivals in the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia. His comedy show brands have become a successful and staple part of festivals worldwide.
Coppin says: "After years working and building brands at festival overseas, it will be great to get involved in a vibrant successful central London club and working with my new partners producing more good, interesting and exciting comedy at the Piccadilly Comedy Club as well as other interests back home".
Opening night for the Guys Campus gig is 9 Dec, with Ian Stone, The Kagools and Bobby Mair. Details here: https://www.bellylaughcomedy.com/london-comedy