News: UK Tour For Unknown Comedian

Comedian Lee Kyle has tried to buck the trend of TV-famous comedians touring the UK by setting up his own UK tour. Kyle's 32-date tour, entitled 'Folly - Because why should you have to be famous to tour?', starts in Heaton on January 4 and currently ends on June 21 in South Shields.

Kyle explains here: "At the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe, Lee Kyle got a really nice review. The bit that stuck in his mind was that 'It would be good to see him find more of his audience. "Yeah" he thought "It bloody would!"

So, in a moment of madness, he has decided to bite off more than he can chew and  has booked a 30+ date national tour, as an attempt to answer the question "What happens if you do a tour while not actually being famous?"

Then, as if that wasn't enough, he is ending the tour with a gig in a 400-seat Customs House theatre in his home town of South Shields

He'll also be recording a documentary as he goes, while hoping not to regret it.

He's done a bit of telly and radio but nothing you'll have seen, which is a good thing really or the whole point of the tour won't have made sense.

He had a book out last year ‘Spandex Ballet – How I Wasted My Twenties Wrestling’ that was in the top ten comedians books on Amazon UK and led to almost no raising of his profile.  His podcast with Sammy Dobson (From BBCs Boy Meets Girl (Yep, she's better known) is called Which Is The Best? and is funny and is liked by people who like it.

Described by the BBC as a 'top up-and-coming comedy performer', Kyle has spent much of his life on a never-ending quest to never have a proper job."

Full tour dates here


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