I thought Darren Harriott had something special when I saw him at the Piccadilly Comedy Club New Comedian of the Year final in 2016. He came second that night and since then his career has gone from strength to strength. In 2017 he picked up a Best Newcomer nomination in Edinburgh and his recent appearance on Live at the Apollo caused a stir. Harriott is not your usual cookie-cutter comic with predictable opinions. He might not be Trump's biggest fan, for example, but he is not that keen on Obama either. He has an interesting back story too but if you want to hear more about that you should see his show. In fact even if you do not want to hear more about that you should see him in action in the flesh. But first read this revealing interview where he is as compellingly honest as he is onstage.
Buy tickets for Darren Harriott's live shows here.
Darren Harriott is on Richard Osman's House of Games at 6pm on BBC Two from Monday January 25 to Friday, January 29,2021.
1. What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)?
I always take a deep breath and think to myself “relax”, or sometimes I will say to myself “razzle dazzle” and do jazz hands.
2. What irritates you?
People who ignore context, they hear trigger words and immediately condemn someone and want them to lose their job etc. In 2017 especially there is a growing number of extreme patronising word police who don’t want a conversation and would rather cut you off completely, which I find worrying…not everyone is the evil that they think they are. Some people just see opposite to them and mean no harm or play devil’s advocate for the sake of a joke which should all be acceptable……but a more less deep answer - I’m irritated by people who Vape indoors and blow their Vape smoke all over the room as if everyone wants to smell synthetic “bubble gum”.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
Moving to London on my 26th birthday in 2014 out the blue for my then failing comedy career, I didn’t know anyone here really. Now that things are going better for me It’s easy for me to forget how crazy it was - I had no money, no friends or family, just a dream.
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
Taking up comedy, I love it, it’s changed my life in many ways but I live by the saying “you’re only as good as your last gig”. That’s a lot of pressure at times that I put on myself even with good gigs I’m already thinking about my next bad one haha. It’s all very unpredictable which is fun but I have the fear that I will wake up and it’s all gone and I have no transferable skills, all my eggs are in this comedy basket.
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
How strong the bond is between comedians, you can be complete strangers but because you do comedy you can talk for hours and you immediately get each other….it’s so powerful, sometimes comedians take it for granted but when you are down about comedy, even comedians who you have never met before immediately get it and will sympathise with you.
Interview continues here.