Bobby Mair is touring the UK in 2018 with his latest show, Loudly Insecure. Beginning on the 1st February at Nottingham’s Glee Club, the tour will take in a total of 26 dates, concluding at Manchester’s Frog and Bucket on 25th March. Tickets are on sale now here.
Thirty years ago Bobby was put up for adoption. Last year he set out to track down his birth family, one by one. However, to say that his search hit a couple of snags along the way would be an understatement and Bobby still has relatives out there who continue to elude him, except for one distant relative by the name of Justin Bieber.
Join Bobby as he recalls the wildly dramatic twists and turns of his quest, including the accidental broadening of his search for next of kin. He’ll also share a couple of other musings he discovered along the way, like his love of strangers, techniques to impress his personal trainer and whether remembering virginity loss is inappropriate.
Mair has recently said that anyone who is adopted can have free tickets for his shows. Find out more about this here.
See tour dates here.
1. What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)
Thanks for asking Bruce. Before I go onstage I am usually trying to cram whatever new material I have into my mind so I walk on genuinely excited. If I don’t do that then I go on stage feeling like I am reciting a script that is the same script as the night before and I am stale and suck a tiny bit.
2. What irritates you?
That’s a hard question to answer. I mean it really depends on my mood. What irritates me when I’m anxious or depressed is a stranger breathing, or a bird not shitting on someone I have decided is my enemy. When irritates me most of the time when my wife and fellow comedian Harriet Kemsley criticises me and 5 minutes later I always realise she’s right and that I love naps but they ruin productivity.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
In 2005 I had a job delivering food to daycares where I would have to get up really early and drive and I once dreamed with my eyes open there were giant bugs running beside my car then woke up and saw they were in fact other cars hurling towards me. In 2007 I blacked out drunk and high and my last memory was falling into a river. In 2009 I was a medical lab rat and nothing dangerous happened to me but I recommended them to an acquaintance and she did one and her heart stopped and then she had to be brought back to life. There are many others.
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
See above.
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
What surprised me the most is how many things I have gotten to do that are not stand up and how much better they pay than stand up but that stand up is still by far funnest part of being a comedian.
Interview continues here.
Picture: Andy Hollingworth.