The current fourth series of Inside No. 9 has probably been the most consistently brilliant series yet, delivering different, distinctive and unforgettable episodes each time. And it goes out in fantastic style this week with an episode that has numerous nods towards the horror genre, not to mention a delicious callback to past Inside No. 9s.
Not that you need to get the references to enjoying Tempting Fate. In fact writers Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton are so smart I imagine I missed a few myself. In his claustrophobic chiller they take centrestage alongside Bad Education’s Weruche Opia as council employees clearing out a dead tenant’s flat.
It’s a job I used to do so it had a particular resonance for me, but I never came across anything quite as creepy as Maz, Keith and Nick find in the flat where elderly Frank (Nigel Planer - we see him on VHS) used to live. All I got was some nice old overcoats.
Each of them has a different back story which has a bearing on how they behave. And if anyone can tell me what the tattoo is on the neck of Nick (Shearsmith) maybe that’s a clue (though I’m hoping it says “next series coming soon”).
I won’t give away any spoilers in case you haven't seen this yet, but this is an episode that has everything from laughs to shocks. Pemberton and Shearsmith have shown themselves to be actors with extraordinary range in this run and they continue that here. Pemberton is capable of playing everything from vulnerable victim to heartless killer, sometimes in the same episode.
Oh, and one final thing. The Twist, Social media has become slightly fixated on smugly spotting how the rug is going to be pulled away as each episode plays out. That’s not really the point. Don’t bother. Just enjoy.
News: Fifth series commissioned for 2019 broadcast. Details here.
Inside No. 9, Tempting Fate, Tuesday, February 6, BBC2, 10pm. Then on catch-up here. After broadcast at 10.30pm Shearsmith and Pemberton will be answering questions on Twitter here: #AskIN9
Inside No. 9: And The Winner Is...
Inside No. 9: To Have And To Hold.
Inside No. 9: Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room.