News: Welsh Comedian Noel James Is A Britain's Got Talent Hit

Comedian Noel James had the judges on Britain's Got Talent in stitches on Saturday night.

The 52-year-old Welsh circuit veteran who said he was a "exam invigilator" entertained Simon Cowell, David Walliams and co with his absurdist take on life.

David Walliams tweeted: "Noel James is hilarious.

James is the latest name familiar to comedy fans to make an impression on the current series. Magician Mandy Muden, Lost Voice Guy and Robert White have already appeared in this series. After stand-up Daliso Chaponda came third in the final last year and other acts such as Jonny Awsum have wowed the crowds could this be the year that a comedy act finally wins Britain's Got Talent?

Watch a clip of Noel James' appearance below.





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