Yesterday I wrote about comedians succumbing to the lure of name-based puns when thinking of a title for their Edinburgh show. It is to Adam Riches’ eternal credit that as far as I know he has yet to do a show called An Embarrassment of Riches. But at the same time it would almost be the perfect title. A Riches show usually involves at least one member of the public being embarrassed. When he won the Foster’s Comedy Award audience members were hauled up onstage to play extreme swingball, crawl along the floor, or feed Riches via a drip. One unwitting fan was sent outside while Riches comedically hit on his girlfriend. With Nick Helm and Dr Brown also being scarily full-on there is something of a trend for immersive comedy at the moment, and Riches can claim that he was one of the pioneers, creating a variety of colourful characters, inventing unlikely scenarios and then fearlessly pulling the unprepared audience right into the madness. We don’t know what delicious treats has in store this year in Adam of the Riches, but needless to say this show is recommended. We also recommend you head directly for the back row. He is at the Invisible Dot tonight, with John-Luke Roberts and free burgers in the interval.
Adam Riches is at the Pleasance Dome from July 30 - August 24. Tickets here.