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Video: Bill Bailey's Tribute To Kraftwerk

Video: Bill Bailey's Tribute To Kraftwerk

Following the death of Kraftwerk's Florian Schneider I was thinking about his band's overlap wth British comedy. In fact i was thinking about it before he died. Earlier this week Vic Reeves in portrait artist mode had posted his new picture of the German band sporting red lipstick. It is not the first time Reeves has used them in his art - he has also featured a picture of them on an antler. But the most famous comedy homage to the band comes from Bill Bailey, who did his tribute big-style in his Part Troll enormodome show. It even came out as a record and you can buy it here. Although the video, featuring Bill's mates Martin Treneman, John Moloniey and Kevin Eldon, is funnier as well as cheaper. Enjoy below.



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