News: New BBC Podcast for Jacob Hawley

News: New BBC Podcast for Jacob Hawley

BBC Sounds has launched a new podcast fronted by Jacob Hawley in which he looks at how people have been forced to look for new ways of earning a living during the pandemic.

He previously had a critical success on BBC Sounds with his podcast Jacob Hawley on Drugs in which he looked at contemporary drug culture.

Hawley is a comedian whose live work dried up overnight when the lockdown started so may need a new job soon himself.

In the podcast, he is going to talk to other people who became unemployed overnight - to explore how they now consider their career and what value we put on entertainment.  And he’s going to catch up with front line key workers who are busier than ever, to discuss whether they see themselves differently now they’re being called heroes, and the positive impact of passing over the applause to the previously ignored.

Confirmed guests: Iain Stirling (episode three), Richard Gadd, Mark Olver, Danusia Samal, Mr Motivator.

Jacob will also speak to a paramedic, fireman, supermarket assistant, bus driver, GP, care home worker, builder and delivery driver...

Listen to Jacob Hawley's Job Centre here.


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