News: Comedian Does New Show Every Month During Lockdown

News: Comedian Does New Show Every Month During Lockdown

Comedian, compere, storyteller and ad libber Lee Kyle ("Glorious" - The i) is trying to do something unprecedented as he performs a brand new hour-long show each month for the whole of lockdown.

Having entertained audiences up and down the country for the past 10 years, Lee has suddenly found himself performing alone in his own front room because of, you know… The Rules. With his regular Edinburgh Fringe show cancelled this year, he's bringing the festival to you! Starting on 19th May he presents a new show every month of all new material, which he hasn't had the luxury of previewing to audiences. It's a risky way of performing a show, especially one that is set to be a lot angrier than his usual act.

Lee has performed all over the UK as well as in Australia and the Middle East, and is a particular favourite in his native Northeast and Scotland, which he has toured with solo shows for the last few year.

Lee Kyle’s ‘Precedented’ will be broadcast online, on Tuesday 19th May at 8pm. You can find it on Facebook (, Youtube ( or via his website


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