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News: Full Series Of Jon Pointing's Key Worker Now Out

News: Full Series Of Jon Pointing's Key Worker Now Out

All four episodes of Key Worker, the online comedy series by Plebs and Pls Like star Jon Pointing, are now available.

When Boris Johnson became Prime Minister, Pointing and his partner Sarah signed up to volunteer at their local foodbank. As the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March, they were called in to get started, delivering food and essentials to members of the community around South East London. 

Whilst doing the rounds, Jon began filming his journeys in between visits to the local shops and socially-distant doorstep drop offs in character as Bradley from Bromley, and the result is Key Worker – a self-shot original character comedy series following a twenty-something lifted from his adulthood inertia by a newfound purpose in life.

Jon Pointing, Key Worker creator and star, said: “Just before the lockdown I’d been testing out the character of Bradley at gigs. His heart’s is in the right place – he’s a bit of an idiot at times but a well-meaning one. He’s never made much of a life but lockdown has forced something of a level playing field on society and for some reason he finds himself flourishing in the most unlikely of situations. I wanted to make a character that people would enjoy spending time with. It feels sweeter than the sort of thing I would normally do - I think the reality of the situation dictated that.”

Steve Coogan, Creative Director at Baby Cow Productions, said: “We're really proud of Key Worker at Baby Cow. It’s warm, funny and beautifully observed. Jon Pointing's created in Bradley an unlikely hero for these strange times.”

Jon Pointing is an award-winning actor, writer and comedian. Recent credits include BAFTA nominated series Pls Like (BBC Three) and multi award-winning comedy Plebs (ITV2), as well as Hunter (BBC Three) and Zapped (Dave). 

Key Worker is written by and stars Jon Pointing. The series is produced by Rupert Majendie and Joe Fraser for Baby Cow Productions. 

All four episodes of Key Worker are available now via the Mr Box YouTube Channel here.


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