Robert Webb is selling some of his most prized possessions to raise money for charity.
Webb is selling four of the T-shirts he wore when he played dissolute slacker Jez in Peep Show.
The money raised will go to the Trussell Trust, the charity that supports those in poverty and campaigns for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
You can see Webb modelling two of the shirts here and if you go to the ebay pages where you can bid you can see the others. The grey one was worn in the very final scene of the very final episode.
We now wait for David Mitchell to chip in by auctioning off the clean shirt he wore as Mark in the very first episode...
Bidding closes on November 27 and you will need to be generous. The bids at the moment range from £440 per t-shirt upwards.
"Washed but not ironed," says Webb. If only he hadn't washed them we wonder if he might have raised more.
Here are the ebay links:
In other news it has just been announced that Mitchell and Webb will return in the second series of their latest C4 comedy Back in the New Year.