frankie Boyle

News: Daniel Sloss Signs US TV Deal

Comedian Daniel Sloss has signed a talent deal to create an untitled television pilot with chat show host Conan O’Brien’s Conaco production company for a major USA studio.


News: Frankie Boyle Pulls Out Of London Shows

It was a surprise earlier this year to hear that Frankie Boyle would be returning to the stage, but this time taking second billing. It was announced in the Spring that he would be opening for his friend Glenn Wool on his “The Jokes I’m Most Fond Of" Tour.


Opinion: Frankie Boyle's Jokes Go Missing

Christmas has come early. Frankie Boyle has lost his joke book. Maybe someone has put it to better use and as we speak is wiping their arse with it. Except that Boyle has a particular reason for wanting this book back. 

Opinion: Is Frankie Boyle Cleaning Up His Act?

Were my ears deceiving me? On Tuesday night I turned Radio 4 on at 6.30pm and heard a familiar Scottish accent being unfamiliarly reasonable. Frankie Boyle was one of the guests on the first edition of a new series of It's Not What You Know, chaired by Miles Jupp.

Opinion: How Soon is Too Soon?

Update 6/12/13. I guess it's a sign of the times that I'll always remember what I was doing online when I heard that Nelson Mandela had died. I was on a train last night checking my google stats and noticed that there was a surge in people coming to my website because they were searching for the phrase "Nelson Mandela jokes". A quick check of Twitter and I understood why.


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