Lee Kyle

News: Comedian Lee Kyle Debuts Second New Lockdown Show

Comedian, compere, storyteller and ad libber Lee Kyle has set out to performs a brand new hour long show each month for the whole of lockdown. He premieres his second show tonight, June 16 at 8pm.

The shows, performed in his living room, contain all-new material, which Kyle hasn't had the luxury of previewing to audiences. This one is about South Tyneside, the place he grew up and has always lived. Is it just Steve Cram, closed mines and Britain's first ever race riots?


News: Comedian Does New Show Every Month During Lockdown

Comedian, compere, storyteller and ad libber Lee Kyle ("Glorious" - The i) is trying to do something unprecedented as he performs a brand new hour-long show each month for the whole of lockdown.


News: UK Tour For Unknown Comedian

Comedian Lee Kyle has tried to buck the trend of TV-famous comedians touring the UK by setting up his own UK tour. Kyle's 32-date tour, entitled 'Folly - Because why should you have to be famous to tour?', starts in Heaton on January 4 and currently ends on June 21 in South Shields.


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