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Steve Best

Acclaimed Photographer Publishes New Book Of Comics On And Offstage

Following the success of his book Comedians, photographer Steve Best has started a crowdfunder campaign to help him publish a follow-up, Comedians 2 (Too).

Best recently went over thousands of photos he has taken over the last decade and realised he'd missed out so many great pictures in the first book. Also he has taken some brilliant new ones since publication. The picture on this page is of Mae Martin in action.


Comedy Photographer Joins NFT Marketplace


FabriikX continues to enhance its curation-focused NFT marketplace with the addition of a new private collection by comedian and photographer Steve Best.


Photographer Publishes Book Of Classic Comedy Shots

Photographer Steve Best is to publish a brand new book featuring unseen candid pictures of some of the comedy circuit's greatest performers.

The fine art photographs will feature comedians backstage and captured in action.

The book, simply called Comedians, will hopefully be out at the end of April. It will be a high end photographic masterpiece using top Italian fine art printers.


Gallery: Comics Onstage And Backstage Exhibition Opens

Photographer Steve Best has taken pictures of some of the finest comedians of recent years. He has a new exhibiton in London downstairs at the Observatory Photography Gallery in Russell Square: https://theobservatory.org


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