
Dov's Top 5 Jewish Jokes of the Fringe 2024 Revealed

Jewish comedians Philip Simon and Rachel Creeger launched this competition during the Fringe. Here are our winner and runners up:


WINNER: James Regal (“LOLyamorous”, Laughing Horse at Eastside)

“I joined a dating app that’s just for Jews. It’s the only one in the world where it’s compulsory to send a d*ck pic.”




News: Come Up With a New Birthday Card Caption And Win £250

Are you good at thinking up funny, original captions for birthday cards? Then you could be in with a chance of winning £250. 

Statistics show late September to early October is the period with the highest concentration of birth dates, so leading up to this busy period online greetings card marketplace thortful are looking for the next birthday card bestsellers.


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