Kate copstick

Crowdfunder Set Up After Comedy Critic & Charity Director Kate Copstick Mugged

Television presenter, writer, critic, director, producer and charity director Kate Copstick was attacked in the street on Saturday (3rd September) by muggers who stole the £8500 in cash that she was taking home from the charity shop she runs in Shepherd's Bush, ahead of flying to Kenya to help women in need via her charity Mama Biashara 


New Programme Explores The Nature Of Taboo In Comedy

Now here is something controversial. Why not listen to this instead of the build-up to the Euros final.

Journalist Kate Copstick has never been someone who minces her words so she is the perfect person to present this documentary which explores the thorny and very topical subject of taboo in comedy. The issue of wokeness is dissected as the programme examines who can say what to whom, where and when, and asks why can't we all just lighten up and laugh.


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