
John Bishop, Alan Davies, Keith Allen, Nick Mohammed, Richard Gadd To Guest In New West End Play

John Bishop, Alan Davies, Keith Allen and Richard Gadd are among the names set to appear in the West End production of White Rabbit Red Rabbit, an experimental drama by Iranian writer Nassim Soleimanpour. 

There is no rehearsal, no director, a different actor each night and a script waiting in a sealed envelope on the stage.


Streaming Date Confirmed For Richard Gadd's Baby Reindeer – Watch Trailer Here

The streaming date has been confirmed for the screen adaptatiom of Richard Gadd's acclaimed drama Baby Reindeer. It will be released by Netflix on April 11.

Baby Reindeer was first performed by Gadd at the Edinburgh Fringe and tells the story of how the Edinburgh Comedy Award performer found himself being stalked and the emotional toll this took on his mental health.

The play was later performed in London and was due to transfer to a bigger West End stage in 2020 but the performances were cancelled due to Covid.


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