
Video: Watch Josh Glanc – Family Man

Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Show. nominee Aussie comedian Josh Glanc delivers a whirlwind of surreal sketches – from an unlikely romance blossoming between polar-opposite truck drivers to one man’s quest for the perfect apartment.

Written, Starring & Created by: Josh Glanc Directed by: Will Farrell Produced by: Susie Hall Starring: Anjana Jogy Antony, Ed Night, Priya Lane


Josh Glanc's Show – Stream It Now

Australian oddball Josh Glanc’s critically acclaimed show Vrooom Vrooom is available to stream now via 800lb Gorilla. Vrooom Vrooom fuses together music, character, and stand-up with Josh’s trademark ‘antic brand of tomfoolery’ (★★★★ The Guardian). Vrooom Vrooom brings cartoonish sketches, skilful clowning, and creative song writing together to draw the audience in with true commitment to silliness. 


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