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Musical Comedy Awards

Musical Comedy Awards 2020 - Results

The WeGotTickets Musical Comedy Awards 2020 final has taken place at the Bloomsbury Theatre in front of a socially distanced audience in the theatre and an online audience at home.

Ten acts performed. They were Stepdads, Chris Rio, Amy Webber, Shelf, Bennet Kavanagh, 2MouthedMen, Canadians in Space, Alexander MacKeith, Jamie Finn and Tom Taylor.

The judges were: 

News: Musical Comedy Awards Final 2018 – Full Results

Comedy duo Stiff & Kitsch are the winners of this year's WeGotTickets Musical Comedy Awards final.

The twosome, Sally O’Leary and Rhiannon Neads, were judged to be the winners out of the ten finalists at the Underbelly Festival in London.

Second place went to Archie Henderson and Cassie Atkinson. Joe Jacobs and Luke Courtier were joint third and the audience favourite was Dave Bibby.

News: Finalists Announced For The 2018 Musical Comedy Awards Final

The line-up has been announced for the final of this year's WeGotTickets Musical Comedy Awards.

Over the years the MCA has provided a launch pad for acts such as Frisky and Mannish, Abandoman, Mae Martin, Rachel Parris, David Elms and Jay Foreman and created a thriving independent platform to celebrate the artform that is musical comedy.

News: Musical Comedy Awards Final 2017 - Results

The ninth annual We Got Tickets Musical Comedy Awards final took place at the Lyric Theatre in London last night.

Ten acts competed for the title in a hotly fought contest, which was hosted by Tina T'urner Tea Lady.

The judges' winner on the night was Will Hislop. Second place went to Tom Taylor who also won the vote for Audience Favourite. Third place went to Matt Hutson.

News: Musical Comedy Awards Finalists Announced

The line-up of the final of this year's We Got Tickets Musical Comedy Awards has been confirmed.

The six acts will appear together at the Udderbelly in London on April 9. 

The host on the night will be previous finalist Tina Turner Tea Lady.

The finalists are...

Four Femmes
Hannah Brackenbury
Making Faces
Micky P Kerr
Uke's Not Dead
Jon Long

Review: Musical Comedy Awards Final, Bloomsbury Theatre

The Musical Comedy Awards Final always throws up an interesting line-up and this year’s final was no exception. After silver-quiffed compere Rob Deering’s high-energy warm-up - I love his acid house-style coffee song but I can’t get it out of my head now – the six acts showed that the definition of what constitutes musical comedy these days is very wide indeed.

News: Musical Comedy Awards Finalists Announced

The finalists in this year’s Musical Comedy Awards have been announced today. They are Rebecca Humphries, DW, Gatis Kandis, Luke Courtier, Baron Fingolfin and Peter Bazely.

This year's final takes place at the Bloomsbury Theatre on April 10. Special guests at the final will be Cassetteboy and Rachel Parris and Rob Deering will compere. Humphries (pictured) is probably the best known of the finalists. Her Edinburgh show Dizney Rascal played to full houses and received consistently favourable reviews.

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