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Luke Toulson

Edinburgh Preview: Luke Toulson

Comedian Luke Toulson talked to me last year about the difficulties he had of finding places to do Edinburgh previews. This year he has taken the matter by the scruff of its neck and set up his own comedy night at the Crack Comedy Club on the South Bank. On Wednesday evenings starting tonight Toulson will be doing previews of his show and there will also be another act running in their new work. Tonight it’s spiky Aussie Felicity Ward and future weeks will include Sara Pascoe, Paul Sinha, Carl Donnelly and James Acaster.


Opinion: In Praise of Previews by Luke Toulson

Preview season is well and truly under way. For comics it is a vital part of the Edinburgh Fringe dominated calendar. For punters, an opportunity to see their favourite comedians at knocked down prices. Though I think an equal number of audience members unwittingly stumble across previews, when what they were actually after was something other than a comedian unwittingly stumble through a notepad of half-written jokes.


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